50/50: Photo Essays on Friendship / Brutally Honest Everyday Life (2022)
Most of us probably know more about the optimal living conditions of our house-plants or pets than what makes our social relationships strive and flourish. This is less of a scientific fact than a feeling of mine, yet I decided to make a work about this, when asked about putting together a solo exhibition for a local gallery space. In an little open call I asked people to participate and made interviews regarding expieriences with friendship, what one can do to actively nurture ones friendships and what maybe I, as a photographer, can do to contribute to the cause. Regarding the last aspect I designed this work in a way that all people that participated get something out of it in a sense contrary to the often pushy ways photography or photojournalism is practiced. Also this maybe constitutes my shortest-term project as it was realized by me from idea to solo-exhibition-opening in exactly one month.